iPad Order Form

Note: For a detailed review and comparison of the models, visit apple.com, then return here to place your order. More choices are available via retail sources such as Apple, Costco, and Best Buy. If you prefer, you may purchase your iPad at a retail store and bring it to us for configuration ($25 process fee).

  • If ordering for the next school year, we are past the bulk order deadline of June 1. You can still place an order, but if Apple has a shipping delay, you might not receive the iPad in time for school. We will notify you if this is the case so you can purchase an iPad somewhere else.
  • If purchasing your iPad elsewhere, bring the iPad to school with the student's name clearly marked on tape. Drop it off during the month of July with your check for the $25 fee. We will set it up and have it ready during iPad distribution days.

iPad Details
Select Your Options Price
For more case options, see the Apple website or Amazon. $0.00
Sub Total $0.00
Delivery, Recycle Fee, and Taxes $0.00
Total Retail Cost $0.00
Your Cost with Education Discount $0.00

Student Info
Note: Please read the notice at the top of this page first